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作者: 时间:2021-08-10 点击数:



研究领域主要为计算光刻、基于机器学习的光刻工艺建模与成像性能优化、光刻胶材料配方优化。参与了国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目、北京市科技计划项目和清华大学关键核心技术专项项目。目前,已在Mater. Today, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Nanoscale, ACS Omega, Appl. Opt., Int. J. Adv. Robot. Syst.等国内外期刊上发表论文14篇,申请专利3项。发表第1作者论文11篇,其中SCI论文9篇,中文核心论文1篇,会议论文1篇。


1. Convolutional neural network-assisted photoresist formulation discriminator design of a contact layer for electron beam lithography.The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2024.位次1(SCI).

2. Machine learning applied to electron beam lithography to accelerate process optimization of a contact hole layer.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024.位次1(SCI).

3. Critical dimension prediction of metal oxide nanoparticle photoresists for electron beam lithography using a recurrent neural network.Nanoscale, 2023.位次1(SCI).

4. Machine learning in electron beam lithography to boost photoresist formulation design for high-resolution patterning.Nanoscale, 2024.位次1(SCI).

5. Process optimization of line patterns in extreme ultraviolet lithography using machine learning and a simulated annealing algorithm,Applied Optics, 2023.位次1(SCI).

6. Process optimization of contact hole patterns via a simulated annealing algorithm in extreme ultraviolet lithography,Applied Optics, 2023.位次1(SCI).

7. Aberration optimization in an extreme ultraviolet lithography projector via a BP neural network and simulated annealing algorithm,Applied Optics, 2021.位次1(SCI).

8. Analysis and modulation of aberration in an extreme ultraviolet lithography projector via rigorous simulation and a back propagation neural network,Applied Optics, 2020.位次1(SCI).

9. Inverse kinematic solution of 6R robot manipulators based on screw theory and the Paden–Kahan subproblem,International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2018.位次1(SCI).

10. Impact of mask topography and flare on process window of EUV lithography,Proc. SPIE, 2019.位次1(EI).

11. Inverse kinematic solution algorithm of 6R robots based on screw theory and algebraic elimination.Transducer and Microsystem Technologies, 2018.位次1.

12. Canny algorithm enabling precise offline line edge roughness acquisition in high-resolution lithography,ACS Omega, 2023.位次2 (SCI).

13. Trends in photoresist materials for extreme ultraviolet lithography: A review.Materials Today, 2023.位次4 (SCI)

14.Impact of flare on source mask optimization in EUVL for 7nm technology node,Proc. SPIE, 2020.位次4 (EI).

15.光刻参数优化方法、装置及其相关设备,2023. (专利)

16.串联机器人的关节旋转角度确定方法及装置,2022. (专利)

17. 6自由度串联机器人的关节旋转角度确定方法及装置,2020. (专利)



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